lite bilder

 lite random bilder på mig i 8-9:an :P

man kanske ska börja igen iaf... :P

pallade inte blogga mer förut men man kanske ska börja igen då, bara för att ...:) kommer skriva mer sen, hejdå!


eftersom inge läser denna blogg och jag aldrig orkar lägga in nåt så är de väl lika bra å stänga ner den xDDD






hejsan från oss op niggers på ugglaquell :D
här är det alltid awesome:*


Jag Kan Inte Sova



wiihoo, det va länge sen jag bloggade sist :3 men nu e det väl dags att börja igen :) det har hänt mycket på senaste tiden, kan nog inte skriva allt men kan försöka så gott det går :) jag har börjar plugga till moppe kort och har köpt en moppe :D en riktigt fager skapelse ;) lägger in en bild lite längre ner :) och just det, varenda helg sen sportlovet så har jag, Jan Ankarbåge, Tim & Leo Nordin sovit över och haft flertal filmkvällar o lan xD denna helgen så grillade v och hade kombinerat lan o filmkväll :) awesome ^^ jag (the only female) stod i köket medans killarna va ute vid grillen xD men det e väl så det ska vara, eller? ;)jaja, har iaf haft det skit kul :) visst ja, tim o leos mamma lärde mig snacka skånska, jag hade tydligen ett bra uttal tror jag x)? men jag tror inte det xD ska snart rensa ut gammla kläder ur garderoben som ska gå till rädda barnen eller vad det heter :) känns bra att göra nåt för dom små sötisarna x3 sen ska jag fylla på den igen med nya kläder x) känns om om allt e för litet helt plötsligt :o vem har krympt mina kläder??? annars så brukar de ju vara personen som äger kläderna som växer.. men jag växer ju inget, alltid lika kort xD  man vänjer sig ;) känns verkligen bra att få skriva av sig lite :D jag ska försöka att skriva varje dag nu x) eller aa, iaf varannan dag x3 vissa personer som man vart fiende med den senaste tiden har plötsligt ändrat sig nu :3 de e ju possitivt, det mindre possitiva e att jag inte vet om vänskapen håller längre än förra gången :/  återfått kontaken med andra kompisar också :) känns bra ;D <3
Men nu måste jag va lite social med dudesen ocksåx3 Cya!
Ungefär såhär ser skönheten ut :) har ingen bild på den än :)

vill inte vara fjore nu men, här e en bild på mig iaf ^^
Vill inte leka fjorre eller så, men här e en bild på mig iaf ^^


i miss u...

I miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss uI miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u i miss u

saknar tiden innan...

pallar inte mer nu..

asso mår inte så bra just nu.. men ville bara säga. kommer inte blogga på ett ta nu, måste ta en stund o tänka, vill hälsa en sak till min ängel, 

tack för att du finns min älskling,
du finns alltid där när jag mår skit,
du är min ängel lina nilsson<3



[23:12:16] Per Ankarbåge: I was going to school with my friend. While we were walking, I found a piece of paper laying on the ground.
I picked it up and my friend quickly stole it from my hands and, after a brief look at the paper, the son of a bitch punched me right in my face.
I passed out, and when I woke up, I retrieved the paper which was again laying on the ground and ran as fast as I could to get to school, since I had an exam.
When I got there, my teacher asked me why I was late. I told him that when I was coming to school, I found a paper, my friend took a look at it, punched me, so I passed out.
The teacher doubted of it, and asked me to see the paper. I showed him. He grabbed me and threw me right in the principal's office.
When asked by the principal why I was there, I told him that when I was going to school I found a piece of paper laying on the ground, a friend of mine picked it up and punched me,
so I arrived late at school, and the teacher asked me to show him what was it, so he took me here. The principal, like the teacher, asked to see what was written on the paper, so I showed him.
After looking at the paper, the principal expelled me. After that, I went home, and because I arrived earlier, my mother asked me what was wrong. I told her that when I was going to
school, I found a paper and a friend of mine punched me, so I arrived late at school, the teacher asked to see the paper and sent me to the principal's office. When I arrived there the principal
expelled me. My mother, like the others, asked to see what was in the paper, so I showed her, and after looking at it, she sent me to my bedroom and told me to wait for my father to get home from work.
I waited three hours at my bedroom for my father to arrive, and as soon as he stepped in, my mother told him to come and speak to me. He asked what happened, so I explained him: When I was going to
school I found a paper, which a friend of mine picked up from my hand and punched me, so I arrived late at school, the teacher asked to see the paper and sent me to the principal, so he expelled me.
My father asked me what could it be written on this paper that could make all these bad things happen to me. He took the paper from my hands carefully, looked at it, then back up at me. I never saw him that mad.
I want you out of this house right now. Pack and leave. These were his words.
As a homeless person, I had to find a shelter, so I went to the local church. I set on the bench and prayed for a few minutes. I couldn't stand the pain of being punched, expelled from school and from my home.
I was crying. The priest noticed and came to talk to me. He asked what was wrong with me. I told him that when I was going to school I found a paper, so a friend of mine stole it and punched me, so my teacher
asked why I was late and I showed her paper, so she sent me to the principal's office, where I was expelled, and when I got home I showed my mother the paper, so she sent me to my bedroom, and when my father
came talk to me, he expelled me from my home. The priest couldn't understand the reason of so much anger and asked me to show him the damned paper. I showed him. Like all others, he expelled me from the church
and said that I should never come back again. My world fell apart. I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to find a way out of this nightmare. I couldn't hold my chin up anymore. I got off the church with my pack and walked a few meters away from there.
When I was crossing the street a truck came and hit me right in the back. I died. My sins? Well, I paid for them. I went to hell. When I arrived there, I met the Devil, and with his demonic voice, he asked me why I was there.
I told him I didn't know, but I got hit by a truck. He said that everything happens for a reason, and told me that there must be a reason of why I crossed that street that time. So I told him that when I was going to school I found a
paper on the ground, so I friend of mine punched me right in my face, when I woke up I ran to my school, and when I got there my teacher asked me why I was late, so I told him about the paper and the punch, after that he sent me to the principal's office.
Then the principal asked me to show the paper, and expelled me. When I got home, my mother asked what was wrong and I showed her the paper, so she sent me to my bedroom. When my father arrived I showed him the paper and he kicked me out of my house.
I went to the church to seek a shelter, the priest asked me what was wrong, so I showed him the paper and he kicked me out of the church. The Devil had a strange look on his face.
He asked me to see the paper. I showed him. He got it. He looked at it. He crumpled it. He threw it away.
(The end)
I was going to school with my friend. While we were walking, I found a piece of paper laying on the ground.
I picked it up and my friend quickly stole it from my hands and, after a brief look at the paper, the son of a bitch punched me right in my face.
I passed out, and when I woke up, I retrieved the paper which was again laying on the ground and ran as fast as I could to get to school, since I had an exam.
When I got there, my teacher asked me why I was late. I told him that when I was coming to school, I found a paper, my friend took a look at it, punched me, so I passed out.
The teacher doubted of it, and asked me to see the paper. I showed him. He grabbed me and threw me right in the principal's office.
When asked by the principal why I was there, I told him that when I was going to school I found a piece of paper laying on the ground, a friend of mine picked it up and punched me,
so I arrived late at school, and the teacher asked me to show him what was it, so he took me here. The principal, like the teacher, asked to see what was written on the paper, so I showed him.
After looking at the paper, the principal expelled me. After that, I went home, and because I arrived earlier, my mother asked me what was wrong. I told her that when I was going to
school, I found a paper and a friend of mine punched me, so I arrived late at school, the teacher asked to see the paper and sent me to the principal's office. When I arrived there the principal
expelled me. My mother, like the others, asked to see what was in the paper, so I showed her, and after looking at it, she sent me to my bedroom and told me to wait for my father to get home from work.
I waited three hours at my bedroom for my father to arrive, and as soon as he stepped in, my mother told him to come and speak to me. He asked what happened, so I explained him: When I was going to
school I found a paper, which a friend of mine picked up from my hand and punched me, so I arrived late at school, the teacher asked to see the paper and sent me to the principal, so he expelled me.
My father asked me what could it be written on this paper that could make all these bad things happen to me. He took the paper from my hands carefully, looked at it, then back up at me. I never saw him that mad.
I want you out of this house right now. Pack and leave. These were his words.
As a homeless person, I had to find a shelter, so I went to the local church. I set on the bench and prayed for a few minutes. I couldn't stand the pain of being punched, expelled from school and from my home.
I was crying. The priest noticed and came to talk to me. He asked what was wrong with me. I told him that when I was going to school I found a paper, so a friend of mine stole it and punched me, so my teacher
asked why I was late and I showed her paper, so she sent me to the principal's office, where I was expelled, and when I got home I showed my mother the paper, so she sent me to my bedroom, and when my father
came talk to me, he expelled me from my home. The priest couldn't understand the reason of so much anger and asked me to show him the damned paper. I showed him. Like all others, he expelled me from the church
and said that I should never come back again. My world fell apart. I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to find a way out of this nightmare. I couldn't hold my chin up anymore. I got off the church with my pack and walked a few meters away from there.
When I was crossing the street a truck came and hit me right in the back. I died. My sins? Well, I paid for them. I went to hell. When I arrived there, I met the Devil, and with his demonic voice, he asked me why I was there.
I told him I didn't know, but I got hit by a truck. He said that everything happens for a reason, and told me that there must be a reason of why I crossed that street that time. So I told him that when I was going to school I found a
paper on the ground, so I friend of mine punched me right in my face, when I woke up I ran to my school, and when I got there my teacher asked me why I was late, so I told him about the paper and the punch, after that he sent me to the principal's office.
Then the principal asked me to show the paper, and expelled me. When I got home, my mother asked what was wrong and I showed her the paper, so she sent me to my bedroom. When my father arrived I showed him the paper and he kicked me out of my house.
I went to the church to seek a shelter, the priest asked me what was wrong, so I showed him the paper and he kicked me out of the church. The Devil had a strange look on his face.
He asked me to see the paper. I showed him. He got it. He looked at it. He crumpled it. He threw it away.
(The end)

god jul alla! idag e det jul :) fast klockan e typ 20 över 12:) men men ville bara hälsa alla en riktigt god jul nu då ! :) hoppas ni vart snälla i år ;) God Jul Alla! :D <3 här e några bra jul låter som ni kan lyssna på :) :
(känsliga tittare varnas)


doggystyle (a)

imon ska man till äventyrs badet i sandvik med julia o familj :) det blir säker mega kul ;D medans hon e proffs simmare så simmar jag hundsim (y) känner mig väldigt proffsig x) men vi får väl se hur det går ;D jaja nu måste jag sova om jag ska årka gå upp imon o åka iväg ;)  på vägrn hrm lir det McDonalds eller MAX, jeffla tjockis man e(y) men soft blire(a) hejdå på er <3


film mys med lina;*<3

haha, adam skulle komma men han dissa :<  så jag o lina hade film kväll själva :( men det vart ju super mysigt iaf ;*<3 här e lite bilder;) :
(P.S. vi va väldigt flumm D.S. )
ursch :s
min söta lilla lina ;* som inte gillar att va med på bild P:


heeeeeeeej Lina här!:D
Michelle vela att ja skulle gästblogga för hon inte kan blogga.....
Aja vi ska snart bada i snön:o sjukt men skönt ;D
Har inget att skriva om... bye bitches


filmkväll med bästa Lina och Adam  i helgen :D<3 Det kommer bli skit kul ;D massa godis oc dricka blire oxå såklart :3 det blir nog nån skräck film och nån komedi kanske :D<3   Adam kommer till stan för att va med mig o Lina, aww :) haha men jag ska lägga ut bilder sen ;D<3 det blir nog bra :)
Men vi hörs sen :)

min söta lina ;*<3
Har ingen bild på Adam för tillfället,
Eller jo men han blir nog sur på mig
om jag lägger ut den xD


min söta rara underbara uppblåsbara lina<3
titta, älskling alldeles kall å våt D:<3
aww mitt lilla pucko <3
va söt du e min lilla porris <3
Puss&Runk pådig lina nilsson!;***<333

Lär dig livets stora gåta....

varför ska allt va så jä**a tråkigt och krångligt hela tiden? :(
kan man inte bara ta dagen som den kommer, och leva livet? 95% av alla ungdomar slösar för mycket tid framför datorn/tv'n, man kan inte gömma sig för verkligheten, den finns där endå.
men det är klart,... allt känns tryggare bakom data-skärmen/TV-skärmen där inget kan hända.
men endå, man måste uppleva saker i sitt liv, man kan inte slösa bort alla dyrbara timmar i en virituell värld som inte finns. man skapar helt fel bild av hur den riktiga världen ser ut, även fast världen kan vara vacker.
Andra skyndar fram i livet , och hinner inte stanna och se dom fina stunderna som de gå miste om.
man stressar fram och tror att man ska hinna mer, men sanningen är att, om man stressar så gör man fel och får börja om. Det tar bara längre tid.
Man måste lungna ner sig , sitta ner och njuta av livet som det är.
om man tar det lungt så går det oftast bra från början.
...älska, glömma och förlåta...
Jag älskar dig och tänker inte sluta säga det.


kul liv.....•_•

I WUB YOU!!!!!!♥

for the best guy in the world<3

i love you dude!!!!!!!

p.s you know who you are d.s


hi everyone! :D nu e jag hos bästa fabbe xD han e derp som vanlig :d but still, i like waffles. 

hurrdurr yay :3




trolololololololol if you read this ur a llama!!!!!!!!!!!! :3 i like potatoes :D:D:D:D:D
bored to death....

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